When you browse the web you accumulate a huge amount of stored data. The sheer quantity is surprising; often gigabytes.
Just what is and what isn’t junk is a personal decision.
For example, I regard the information stored in my browser’s history as a valuable resource, but I know that many see it as clutter. That’s why the flexibility to choose exactly what you want to keep or delete is a key requirement.
If you exclusively use either Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, then UPCleaner is my top pick. There are many other applications that provide the ability to clean up browsers and your system, but when you take into account UPCleaner’s customizability, speed, ease of use, it’s near-forensic thoroughness, portability and the number of applications it can keep clean, then you have a clear winner.
In addition to keeping your browser clean, it does a great job cleaning up your entire computer including: Windows temporary files and Windows memory, with a simple one-click feature. It is updated frequently adding more and more support for new applications.
UPCleaner is not only a permanently Windows optimization tool, but also an easy browser protector. Its web browser protection may secure your browser entirely with the one-click lock including your hompage, search engine and browser shortcuts.