
5 Ways to Speed up Your Windows PC

Is your PC moving at a snail’s pace? You could upgrade your machine with a solid state drive (SSD), but there are cheaper and easier methods for speeding up your Windows PC. More often than not, installing (or uninstalling) software updates and deep cleaning your hard drive is all you need to make your PC run more efficiently. When things start running slow, it normally means your computer is cluttered, and that’s a much easier fix than an internal-hardware problem (that’s another post for another day).

Ensuring that your computer’s software is up to date is one of the easiest things you can do to increase the speed at which your PC operates.

You can check for software updates in Windows (Take Windows 7 as an example) by clicking on the following: “Control Panel -> System and Security -> Check for Updates.” Follow the onscreen steps to install the updates.

Clean Out Your Files

Whether you know it or not, computers have a bad habit of getting overrun with unnecessary files that hog valuable space and bog down your PC. Take some time to go through your files and get rid of any outdated files; you don’t need entire application suites you no longer use. Deleting software you don’t use can also free up some memory on your hard drive as can deleting temporary Internet files and trial apps.

You can delete any unwanted apps in Windows by navigating to “Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall Program.” To delete unwanted files, all you have to do is Right Click -> Delete or drag the document to your Recycle Bin. Backing up any documents, music, or pictures you have to the cloud storage server of your choice will help speed things up too.

Defragment Your Hard Drive

Saving and deleting files causes your data to be tossed across your hard drive in bits like the crumbs a toddler trails across the living room floor during an afternoon snack. So when your hard drive goes looking for something, it might have to search multiple locations, thereby slowing your PC down. Defragmenting your hard drive cleans up the mess and organizes it, making it easier for your computer to find something when it looks for it.

Defragmenting is incredibly easy to do, but you can take notes if you really want to:

If you’re running Windows Vista or later, your hard drive automatically defragments itself. On Windows, if you want to check when defragmenting is happening and change up when it’s scheduled to happen, just click “Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools.” This is where you’ll find the option manually defragment your hard drive. The process will take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours when you defragement manually. It just depends on how bogged down your PC is.

Defragment Your Hard Drive

Optimize Your PC with Native and Third-Party Software

Third-party software can do wonders for your PC’s speed. One of the best Windows optimization tools listed below comes highly recommended for cleaning up browser histories, deleting unnecessary files, unburdening your system, and improving overall speed.

UPCleaner – the Ultimate PC Cleaner is, in simplest terms, a multi-functional cleanup tool as the best Windows PC optimization tool. If your PC is struggling and clearly coughing up errors and working intermittently, UPCleaner can bring it back.

After installing, you can click the second icon on the main interface and let UPCleaner automatically scan junk files for you. Then, select the item that you want to clean and click the button to finish it in a few seconds.

Optimize Your PC with Native and Third-Party Software

Clean Up Your Vents

The vents on your PC are there to prevent overheating and promote ventilation. However, computers are a little bit like the lint trap in your dryer, meaning that over time their vents can fill up with unwanted dirt and dust. Dirty vents can lead to overheating, and overheating can lead to slow performance, crashes, and random reboots.

You can use a can of compressed air to clean out your vents. Just hold the can upright and a few inches from your vent and press to release a short burst of air. Repeat until your vents are clean. If you’re not comfortable performing this task, you can always pay a visit to your local PC repair shop.


Ultimate pc cleaner - Windows Optimization Tool

Got PC or Internet problems? Here comes the best Windows optimization tool – Ultimate PC Cleaner that repairs your PC to its previously fast state immediately!

Most people think of UPCleaner as a registry cleaner tool that will clean up your useless registry on the slow computer. This is only half true. UPCleaner – the Ultimate PC Cleaner is, in simplest terms, a multi-functional cleanup tool as the best Windows PC optimization tool. If your PC is struggling and clearly coughing up errors and working intermittently. UPCleaner can bring it back. Its cleaner will delete temporary files to speed up your computer’s performance, and it also includes tools for finding out what files are taking up the most space on your machine, and protecting your browser.

One-Click Boost

UPCleaner’s main feature is to “1-Click Boost” your computer, which you’ll find under the tab of the same name. With one single click, it will speed up your PC automatically in a few seconds. This is the fastest and easiest way to have your PC back into tip top shape. In the meantime, you can also use its “Acceleration Ball” floating on the screen to rocket your PC performance with great ease.

Clean Junk

The second extraordinary feature from UPCleaner is called “Junk Cleaner”. It will delete system junk files from Windows update, usage history and temporary files from your browsers. If you want to keep your web browsing private, you may want to clean them more often. Cleaning the temporary files is also a good first step in troubleshooting a misbehaving program.

One-Click Guard

Browser Hijacking is a process that replaces the existing internet browser home page, error page, or search page with its own. These are generally used to force users to view a particular website. Its web browser protection may secure your browser entirely with the one-click lock including your hompage, search engine and browser shortcuts.

Internet Speed Test

Another new feature of UPCleaner is to test your Internet connection speed at any time. You can use UPCleaner to take samples of your Internet speed with a simple click,and then your download speed will show up in the test interface.

Even though your disk has enough space to run programs, running UPCleaner every day is still going to give you massive performance gains.


Windows optimization tool - Best Free Browser Scrubber

When you browse the web you accumulate a huge amount of stored data. The sheer quantity is surprising; often gigabytes.

Just what is and what isn’t junk is a personal decision.

For example, I regard the information stored in my browser’s history as a valuable resource, but I know that many see it as clutter. That’s why the flexibility to choose exactly what you want to keep or delete is a key requirement.

If you exclusively use either Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, then UPCleaner is my top pick. There are many other applications that provide the ability to clean up browsers and your system, but when you take into account UPCleaner’s customizability, speed, ease of use, it’s near-forensic thoroughness, portability and the number of applications it can keep clean, then you have a clear winner.

In addition to keeping your browser clean, it does a great job cleaning up your entire computer including: Windows temporary files and Windows memory, with a simple one-click feature. It is updated frequently adding more and more support for new applications.

UPCleaner is not only a permanently Windows optimization tool, but also an easy browser protector. Its web browser protection may secure your browser entirely with the one-click lock including your hompage, search engine and browser shortcuts.