
Change Home Page in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera browsers

The home page of a web browser is the page which opens when you launch it. Most browsers come with a pre-set home page. In other cases, you may have some software change your home page. In this post we will see how to set, reset or change the home page in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera browsers. Most browsers even let you set multiple home pages.
Change Home Page
You may set a search engine, a favorite website, a social site as your home page or you could set it so that a blank page opens when you launch your browser. If you wish to set a blank page to open you have to use about:blank in place of the URL.
Change home page in Internet Explorer
Launch your Internet Explorer, click on Settings in the top right side and select Internet Options. Under the General tab itself, you will see the setting to create one or multiple home page tabs. If you wish to open one site you have to type in a single URL like say http://www.thewindowsclub.com/. If you wish to open multiple tabs, you have to type each URL on a separate line. If you wish to open a blank page, type about:blank. You can also use about:Tabs which is the same as selecting Use new tab button, or the Current page which may be open in your Internet Explorer.
Once you have done this, click on Apply / OK.
Set home page in Firefox
Open Firefox and click on Open Menu in the tope right corner. Select Options and right under the General tab you will see Startup settings. You can use the Current page which may be open in your Firefox, anyone from your Bookmarks or set it to open a blank page using about:blank.
Click OK and exit.
Change home page in Chrome
In Chrome, click on the Customize and control Google Chrome button in the top right corner. Select Settings. You will see these options under On startup. You can select:
Open the new tab page
Continue where you left off
Open a specific page or set of pages. Clicking the Set pages link will allow you to set your new home page or pages.
Add a new URL or select the current page and click OK and exit.
Set home page in Opera
After you have launched Opera, in the top left corner, click on the Customize and control Opera button. From the drop-down menu, select Settings. You will see the following options under On startup. You can select:
Continue where I left off
Open the start page
Open a specific page or set of pages
Clicking on the Set pages link will allow you to add a new page or use current pages. Once you have set your preferences, click on OK and exit.
Prevent your home page from changing
Let’s say that you already set the homepage, but something is changing it. There are a couple of reasons why this might be happening. For example, your security software changed it. Or malware did it. To prevent your home page from changing, you can use UPCleaner to secure your browser entirely including homepage, search engine and browser shortcuts.
Ultimate PC Cleaner  is not only a permanently free cleaner, but also an easy browser protection program. It may secure your browser with the one-click lock, which blocks websites in more than 70 categories, including pornography, gambling, drugs, violence/hate/racism, malware/spyware, phishing.

