
Choose a strong password to protect your identity on the Internet shopping

Passwords are like the key to your accounts – only the person with the key can access them. When choosing a password, you want to make sure you choose one that is unique, strong, and not easily guessed by strangers or those close to you.Choose a password that uses letters, numbers, lower case, upper case, and characters.
Choose a strong password to protect your identity on the Internet shopping
Choosing password or 1234 is lazy – and easily guessable. Choosing birthdays of those close to you (or yourself) is probably also not safe. The longer your password is, the harder it will be to guess. Also try leaving out letters, or substituting numbers for letters.
Try passwords that reference phrases or things significant only to you. For example, if the name of your beloved childhood goldfish was Sir Bubbles, swap out some of the letters for numbers and you can end up with a very nice password like s1rbubb735 that only you understand.
Make sure to choose passwords that are easily remembered or write them down. If you write down your passwords, don’t leave them in plain sight. Don’t keep them on your computer desk by your computer.

Never use the same password for different accounts. If you don’t want to come up with and keep track of dozens of different passwords, come up with a base password (ex. s1rbubb735) and tack a logical modifier onto it for each account. For example, on Amazon, use amzns1rbubb735; on Gmail, use gmails1rbubb735 or for Twitter twitts1rbubb735.
It is good practice to change your password every few months.
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